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Soft Summer Rustics

Claire and Taylor were married this last June at the Evergreen Lodge in Yosemite. Like most of my clients having a destination wedding, most communication is initially done through emailing ideas, descriptions and photo samples. They made a trip over to Merced to iron out the details with me. The lined the isle with hooks and mason jar arragements which turned into centerpieces, they brought the material and built their own driftwood arch which was enhanced with some gatherings of the wedding flowers and then of course some wedding party flowers. She was sweet enough to think of me in sending me some images from their wedding and with the sun shinning so much this winter, I've been already itching for some of these colors to come around again... Flowers we used in the designs are Juliet Garden Roses, Scabiosa Pods, Billy Balls, Asilbe, Coffee Berries, Bunny Tails, Fern Shoots, Sweet Peas, Gooseneck, Geranium, Scabiosa, Salidago and lisianthus. Claire 5_2 Claire 10 Claire 8_2 Claire 2_2 Claire 11


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